Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Mystic Stitch - Page 1 complete

Woop woop! Page one of my Mystic Stitch chart is complete!

Well, page one and a bit of page two as the last column went over onto the next page.

I'm so pleased with how this has turned out. And I really enjoyed working on it too. It got a little stressful when there was 900 colours in one square D: But yes, woohoo!

Now that I have completed one page I am going to take a break for a little while. It's going to sound a tad dramatic...but I don't want to suffer burn out with it. And ideally I'd like to stitch it in complete page blocks.


  1. Oh wow, that's so fast! I'm amazed at your stitching speed. Looking forward to seeing more of this one after you've had a well earned break. :)

  2. Fabulous already! Can't wait to see more of it :)


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