Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Oh poor neglected blog...

Yes, so I haven't updated in so long..sorry about that.
No TUSAL posts or anything :(

A few things happened.

I kind of lost my stitchy bug. I don't know whether it's having so many different projects on the go at once, darker and colder nights...I don't know, I just haven't felt like stitching at all :(

I was very poorly. Very poorly. I lost a week and a lot of weight. I slept a lot. At one point I thought Tar Valon witches were coming to get me...hallucinating is not fun.

Very Important Book came out after a Seven Year Wait. It was ok.

Harry (my cat) has had to have an operation on one of his I have been very worried about that. He has gone back to the vets this morning to have his stitches out, so hopefully this will be the last visit for a long time.


I have done a little bit of stitching ^^

I took part in the Halloween Blog Hop organised by Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching. I enjoy taking part in the blog hops. It's fun to have something to stitch for and I get to find a lot of new blogs to read :D And welcome to my new followers ^^ Sorry I've been an absent blogger ^^;

In an effort to motivate myself I decided to start a new project *bah*
I was going to stitch the Jackalope head from Storyland Cross Stitch with the free materials...but I knew that at some point I would want to stitch the full-bodied I decided to just do the whole thing ^^

Here he is so far...

I am stitching him on 32count ivory linen (as recommended) from Permin using three strands of thread (as recommended)... it's quite hard going! The stitching does look nice and dense though...I think the gaps are only showing up on the photo due to the flash ^^; Trust me, it looks nice and plush in real life.

On the photo you can also see a fox brooch I made from a kit that came from Mollie Makes. I'm really pleased with how it turned out. Foxes are the best :3

I'm going to try and do a bit more on the Jackalope today before I go and collect Harry.


  1. Poor you, sounds like you have been having a tough time. I hope you and Harry are feeling better. Great stitching and I love the fox, so cute.

  2. I hope you feel better. The fox is nice.

  3. Hope you're now feeling better... That little fox is just so cute!!!

  4. Sometimes we have to put aside the stitching to focus on other things in our lives. I totally get that :)
    Don't feel bad about it. But I'm glad I've just discovered you now that you're back to stitching :) also thanks for taking an interest in my Just Nan SAL!

  5. I'm a new follower. Hope you get your stitching mojo back soon, look forward to watching your progress.

  6. Hope you are feeling better. The fox came out well, I haven't tried mine yet, but I just might seeing yours

  7. I think we all understand losing our stitching umpf and stuff getting in the way. But here's to your jackalope -- 3 threads,eh, I think that might drive me nuts, but he looks great. and I'm loving your Poe piece!

  8. Well, we all certainly understand losing our stitching and/or blogging mojo for a while but we are happy to see you back. I hope that you (and Harry) are both on the mend and your stitching looks so fab!

  9. I read somewhere that sleeping a lot will help with weight loss - I must try myself. The stitching looks lovely.

  10. Hope you are 100% now and got your stitching bug back. Your fox and start are great


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