Friday, 24 January 2014

Grow Your Blog!

Hello and welcome to Grow Your Blog 2014!

This event is hosted by 2 Bags Full.


Welcome to my blog 'Back on the wall'.

I am from the north-west of England and I love, love, love to cross stitch! I do also like to try out new crafts (currently in a battle to conquer crochet...) but my main passion is for cross stitch.

I started my little blog as a place for me to chart the progress of my cross stitch projects so that is what the majority of my posts are about :) 

I am currently working on about projects...oooh that makes me quite panicky to type that..will I ever finish them all?! Last year I became something of a serial starter as I can very easily become over excited about new designs that I simply must start right away! This year I aim to be a bit more sensible and try to reign in my new starts. So far, it's not going too well *lol*

My stitching used to be a very solitary pastime, but since I started blogging and found the wonderful stitchy community I have participated in a few 'social stitches'. Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching hosts some great blog-hops that are a great way to get involved and meet new stitchers. I also like to take part in SAL's (Stitch-A-Long's) and I am participating in two this year - the Just Nan SAL and the Frosted Pumpkin's Once Upon A Time Sampler SAL

Last year, I came to the Grow Your Blog party a bit late, but I found so many lovely blogs to read! And that is one of my favourite things about blogging - reading other blogs! The stitchy community is full of lovely, friendly people who are such an inspiration and offer such encourgement. They are also pretty bad enablers. Seriously, before blogging, my stitching and my stash were under control. Now? There's simply no hope for me :P

So, if you like my blog and you'd like to follow my stitchy adventures please follow my blog! You can also follow me on Bloglovin' - both of the links can be found on the sidebar. If you do decide to follow, please leave a comment below so that I can find out more about you and your blog :)

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi Miss Lilly,

    I'm visiting from the Grow Your Blog party. You are very talented! I use to do cross-stitch projects many years ago, but I have since moved onto other hobbies ... LOL. I plan to look around a bit more and then be on my way to visit the others. I'm your newest follower. I do hope you will stop by for a visit and enter my giveaway. Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs – Donna

    1. Hi Donna, thanks for visiting :) I'll make sure to check out your blog too <3

  2. Hi nice to meet you. I am a bit of a serial starter too, I bought the Fairy Tale BOM last night, I don't know what came over me!

    1. Hi Wendy :) I just can't help myself *lol*.. when I see a new design it's so hard not to start it!

  3. Hi Miss Lilly,

    What a beautiful blog you have! I am one of the volunteers for the Grow Your Blog party just to make sure that the links on Vicki's post are working correctly and it's been pleasure perusing your blog. You are reminding me that I have a few cross stitch projects I need to get finished, but first I think I need to buy myself some magnifying glasses...

    Greetings from beautiful (but cold today) Savannah! xo Silke

  4. Oh, such a pretty blog and I can't wait to explore further. I came via the GROW YOUR BLOG party and I will definitely join your blog! I am longing to visit your lovely England some day - how lucky you are to get to live there! The stories, gardens and dwellings there inspire my art completely. I can see it does in your work, too! Cindy from

    1. Thanks for visiting :) I hope you get to visit England soon :D

  5. What a lovely Blog you have. I love your creativity. I am a cardmaker and know the pleasure that making something can bring. Happy Weekend. Judy x

  6. Hi Miss do lovely stitching. As creative people we all have too many projects started and lots more waiting to be started. And our stash of materials is always out of bounds! Welcome to the group of creative people!

  7. What a lovely blog! Good morning! I love to stitch too! I do crochet, knitting and sewing and right now embroidering a crochet square, with more to do! Fun! Visit my blog too,

    1. Hi Sandy, thanks for visiting :) Your blog looks great! I am learning to crochet so your blog is going to provide me with lots of inspiration (the owl is fab!)

  8. Sweet blog, and you have lovely stitcheries. I used to cross stitch a lot too, but kind of put it aside a few years ago when life got in the way.

  9. Enjoyed browsing through your blog today. Thanks for sharing your crafts with the rest of us. Will be back to enjoy what you make next. By the way, no panic needed, we all have more than one project going at a time.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  10. Found your blog at Grow Your blog party. I have become a follower. Enjoy reading and looking at your blog. Your progress on your projects are great.

  11. Looking forward to getting to know you. I'm not even sure how many I've started, but I know I have plenty more I want to start! One stitch at a time...

    1. Hi :) There just aren't enough hours in day when it comes to stitching!

  12. i have a quilting blog 'wont to bequilter' but i also have a crochet blog 'sewwego' following you

  13. Love your blog and stitching, will certainly visit again

  14. Hi, I'm so happy to find you! I'm following you now. I have a cross stitching blog too at

    1. Thanks Lynne :) Your blog is very pretty! I'm going to be a follower ^^

  15. Hi, I just found you through Grow Your Blog. I just became a follower. I also love to cross stitch! You can find my blog at

    1. Hi Ann, thanks for visiting :D Cross stitching is the best!

  16. Just found you through the Grow Your Blog and I love your stitching. Your Once Upon a Time project looks wonderful!

    1. Thanks for visiting! I've become a follower of your blog too :)

  17. So nice to meet you. I am not a sticher (sp?) (I make jewellery) but this is a very friendly group as is apparent from your blogs. Have a great time hopping! (By the way your work is lovely.)

  18. Lovely to find another stitcher through the blog party. Can't wait to explore your blog some more!
    Would love to have you visit me too...

    1. Thanks for visiting Lynda :) I like your blog! I'm now a follower :)

  19. I also cross stitch...and embroidery in addition to quilting. New follower. I am having fun finding new bloggers to sewing and quilting. Greetings from Oklahoma, USA. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

    1. Hi, thanks for visiting! The grow your blog party has been fun :)

  20. So many lovely creations on your sweet blog! I am so happy to have met you and seen your work through the GYB party. I hope you might have a moment to drop by my humble blog and check things out. I love all creative venues. I am a wife of 45 years, a mother and grandmother and am still a relative "newby" to blogging. This past December marked my first year anniversary.

    I would love for you to stop by my humble little piece of the blog world and check things out.

    1. Thanks for visiting Lynn. I'll be sure to check out your blog too :)

  21. Beautiful work. I'm glad I found you. Early last year I purchased a cross stitch project for my brother and his wife for Christmas. Well, it's still not done. I could not see to do it. I ended up having to have surgery on both my eyes in November. I got a new Rx for glasses this January. Last week I started having double vision again. I don't know if I need a different Rx or ??? I need to contact the neuro opthamologist. So, my cross stitch has been basically nil as has been my quilting. I am now a follower via Bloglovin'.

  22. beautiful stitching :D I love that once upon a time sampler it looks awesome :D

  23. Hello!
    Happy Grow Your Blog PArty!
    You have wona new follower!
    Great work around here!

  24. I'm a GYB visitor and a fellow stitcher! Your work is beautiful!

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Stitchy Place

    1. Thanks for visiting :) I've just checked out your blog and your stitching is amazing!

  25. GYB visitor. Lovely stitching...:)

  26. Hello and yes, I'm a new follower as well. I agree that I really didn't share my stitching with too many people until I started to blog and since then it's been an even more enjoyable pastime for me. I look forward to catching up all your older posts.

  27. I have been following your blog for a while. I hope you're enjoying this party as much as I do.
    Evalina, This and that...

    1. Hi Evalina :) The party has been so fun! I've lots of lovely new blogs to read :)

  28. Visiting via Vicki's GYBP and enjoying your blog. I also adore England but have never been to the northwest...would love to visit Miss Potter's Hilltop day.

  29. Glad to meet you Miss Lilly! Fun visiting GYB party sites! looking forward to following your blog posts. best, deborah

  30. Never had good eyesight for stitching...but I sure do like your work. Enjoy the blog party. Please stop by and say "hi". Aloha

  31. Thanks for sharing your blog. I can't wait to read more posts. I am an embroiderer participating in Grow Your Blog too.


  32. Hi there!
    I'm stopping by from Vicki's blog hop party and I'm a fellow stitcher of a different kind, lol I love to SRE and crazy quilt. But heck a needle in your hand you never know what you may end up creating!
    Have fun visiting and I hope you can stop by!
    Hugs Marilou

  33. Cross-stitch was my passion for many, many years. I learned when I was in high school and used to do very big detailed projects. Now I find that crochet is so much easier, although I am still pretty pattern illiterate. It's easy to pop in my purse whenever we are traveling. I do love to see what others are stitching. When I do cross-stitch, I stick with small projects. And if only one color is involved, then all the better. :) Wishing you a wonderful week. Tammy

    1. Thanks for visiting Tammy :) I really hope I can conquer crochet this year! It just look so lovely. I already have lots of patterns waiting for me :D

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Hi there - found your blog through Vicki's blog party. I, too, am addicted to cross stitch; my biggest problem is I never finish! I think I can count on one hand how many projects I have actually completed since I started back in the 80's. Yikes. Anyhoo, I am going to enjoy following your blog!


  37. Love your stitching, thanks for sharing!

  38. Hello, Miss Lilly!
    I'm still catching up from the GYB party. I love your stitching and your blog. Can't wait to see what you have in store for future posts. Have a lovely day!

  39. Hi Lilly!
    I am visiting from GYB. I love cross stitch. I am a new follower and I am having a giveaway on my blog if you would like to enter.
    Happy Stitching.
    xo jan

    1. Hi Jan, thanks for visiting! Your blog is lovely :)

  40. Thank you for stopping by my blog ( earlier in the week. It's a pleasure to return the visit.

    I used to do a lot of cross stitch--in fact a lot of my décor is cross stitch. Samplers were my favorite, and I have one wall devoted to seasonal designs--valentine's day, mother's and father's day, Easter, Christmas, etc. That was a fun project. One of the things I most proud of is that my daughter inherited my love for stitching and is a more accomplished and adventurous stitcher than I ever was.

  41. Hi Lilly, What a lovely blog you have I enjoyed looking around, I haven't done cross stitch since I was at school but I do sew and love fibre so does my daughter. I hope you will visit my blog, I live down in the Westcountry of England.

  42. Lovely blog, the Grow Your Blog is so much fun-so many different hobbies and styles to see. I used to cross stitch but lately have been quilting. Trying to make this a year of finishing projects, but the temptation to start something new is always presenting itself.

  43. Hi Lilly, your blog is lovely as is your artwork! I have done some cross stitch in the past, too, and have two more kits at home. I have too many knitted wips to start any stitching at all... so many ideas so little time...
    Will come back!
    Tina in Germany

  44. Just stopping by to quickly say a friendly "hello" from the UK via GYBP. I too know the perils of having too many projects on the go ;)
    Do please visit my blog if you have time. I'm also having a giveaway. Happy blog hopping :)

  45. Hello Miss Lilly visiting from GYB and loving your very stylish blog. It is ages since I did any cross stitch but I do love seeing it. Will follow you on bloglovin and look forward to reading more and seeing your wips become FO's.
    Love and best
    Craft blog
    Cat blog

  46. Hello , my name is Dawn your my one stop on the blog party, Hope that I soon will be friends with all of you cyber neighbors. Can't wait to see more of your great projects in the making. My site and contact info is

  47. Only 7?!? and you feel nervous ... what about all of us who if to admit the truth lost track of how many wips we have. Do like your work and will definitely follow. Can't believe I haven't came across your blog before.

    Enjoy the party!


  48. Hi, Lilly - I started a blog for the same reason - to chart my progress and keep me motivated. Glad to stop by - you do lovely stitchery. Here via GYB.

  49. just dropping in via the GYB party - you have some really beautiful stitching projects here. I too do cross stitch and have so many WIPs that I've lost count! Will sign up so I can follow your progress!

  50. I am visiting you via the Grow Your Blog Hop and am now your newest follower with Bloglovin. If you get a chance, please visit me at Happy Stitching!!

  51. No hope for me either unless I stop reading blogs, lol! Love yours, will be back. Used to live in Sale and more recently Frodsham before coming back to Michigan!


Hello, thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to comment. I hope you've enjoyed your stay ^^ I tend to reply to comments by email. If you are a no-reply commenter, I will reply to your comment here :) Have a nice day <3